EARL NIGHTINGALE 20TH CENTURY PHILOSOPHER "Denis Waitley shows us, most graphically, the difference between mythical, superficial success and the genuine article."

W. CLEMENT STONE, PIONEER THE POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE MOVEMENT "Denis Waitley tells how to overcome setbacks, how to find self-esteem, and how to apply his practical approach to setting goals. The Waitley Way works!”

NORMAN VINCENT PEALE, MINISTER EMERITUS FOUNDATION FOR CHRISTIAN LIVING AUTHOR, THE POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING "Denis Waitley is one of the most inspiring men of our time. And he has the rare ability to motivate every reader and listener.”

TOM PETERS, CO-AUTHOR IN SEARCH OF EXCELLENCE "Denis Waitley’s life has placed him in the position of "the best there is" at getting employees to think and act like owners. It’s this simple: Get everybody you can to read and listen to his teachings."

STEPHEN COVEY, PH.D., AUTHOR THE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE "His material is so fresh, so relevant, so needed, so beautifully expressed, and so vital to the kind of change we all must undergo to succeed in this whitewater world of today."

KEN BLANCHARD, PH.D., CO-AUTHOR THE ONE-MINUTE MANAGER "Denis Waitley cares about you and wants you to win!"

HARVEY MACKAY, AUTHOR SWIM WITH THE SHARKS WITHOUT BEING EATEN ALIVE "Nothing is more urgent than integrity and wisdom in the borderless world, and no one offers better perspective and action steps for successfully managing change than Denis Waitley."

ROBERT H. SCHULLER, BEST-SELLING AUTHOR FOUNDING PASTOR, CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL AND HOUR OF POWER "Denis Waitley is among the best in teaching principles of living successfully."

OG MANDINO, AUTHOR THE GREATEST SALESMAN IN THE WORLD "This renaissance man, who has changed so many lives through his lectures and writings, has created a magic mirror that will reflect back, to each individual, the kind of person he or she can become.”

MARY KAY ASH, CHAIRMAN EMERITUS MARY KAY COSMETICS "Lives there a man or a woman who doesn’t cherish the dream of becoming a winner? Denis Waitley has given the world a blueprint for success in achieving that dream.

JOHN WOODEN, HEAD COACH EMERITUS UCLA BASKETBALL TEAM "I’ve appeared many times with Dr. Waitley and my advice is to read and listen to everything you can from this man.”

PAT RILEY, PRESIDENT THE MIAMI HEAT NBA "Denis is a mentor for all of us. He has special stuff!”

VINCE DOOLEY, FORMER ATHLETIC DIRECTOR THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA "I’ve been a disciple of Denis Waitley and his Psychology of Winning since he addressed our National Championship Team."

ROGER STAUBACH, PRESIDENT THE STAUBACH COMPANY HALL OF FAME QUARTERBACK DALLAS COWBOYS NFL "I have always believed that it takes work and perseverance for even the naturally gifted to become winners. Through his research, Denis Waitley confirms this premise and creatively takes us step-by-step to become more consistent, top-level performers in our careers and daily lives."

ROCKY BLEIER, PRESIDENT ROCKY BLEIER ENTERPRISES FORMER FULLBACK, PITTSBURGH STEELERS SUPERBOWL CHAMPIONS "I’ve never met a person who couldn’t use a helping hand. For me, Denis Waitley’s hand has always been there through his tapes and, for that, I will be eternally grateful."

TOM WILKINSON, COLONEL, USAF RET. UNITED STATES OLYMPIC COMMITTEE "Denis Waitley’s psychology of winning changed my life. I draw on his strength to help me make decisions affecting American athletes, many of whom achieve world-class status.”

WILMA RUDOLPH TRIPLE GOLD MEDAL OLYMPIC CHAMPION TRACK AND FIELD "WILMA RUDOLPH WHO PASSED AWAY IN 1994, LEAVING A LEGACY FOR ALL WHO KNEW HER. "From the day I met Denis Waitley, he has been my source of inspiration and I feel honored to have worked with him. In my sad or low moments, I think of him and smile.”