Criticizing Others: Pointing out weaknesses in others so it can make them feel better about themselves.
Criticizing Self: Thinking and talking about themselves in a negative way. Using put downs and focusing on what they can’t do or are unable to do. Only focusing on the “negative” aspects of self.
Attack and Prove: Attacking another person and gathering information to support that attack. The information can come from “evidence” they find or from other people’s opinions.
Live by Comparison: Constantly comparing themselves to other people and evaluating whether they are doing well or not according to how others are performing.
Arrogant and Materialistic: Using material possessions, what they have, as evidence of their self-worth and success. Relying on external factors to prove their worth.
Quick Fixes and Fads: Looking for the quickest way out of a situation or following a fashion whereby they don’t think for themselves.
Poor Personal Hygiene: Grooming and how they present is not important. Their outward presentation is a reflection of inward perception.